Erin Ellis is a Saskatchewan-based homeopathic practitioner.Photo: @meraki_and_light

Erin Ellis is a Saskatchewan-based homeopathic practitioner.

Photo: @meraki_and_light

Meet Your Homeopath

Erin Ellis, B.A.Hon, PDHom, CCH

Let’s work together to get YOU on that upward trajectory.

Stuck. Have you ever felt stuck? That’s where I found myself. Not hopeless.

Not rock bottom.

Just stuck.

Stuck on medication. Stuck not feeling whole… or feeling fully well, ever. Stuck between the bargaining and depressed stages of grief. Stuck without options, no more paths to take to find wellness and happiness. I hadn’t seen my joie de vivre in a while and I didn’t have a map to find it again.

And that’s when I found homeopathy.

My true, all-levels healing began the day I met my homeopath for the first time.

He listened to my whole story, the entirety of the experience of me… and he put it all together to treat me as the unique person I am and help put me back together again.

I found myself again. I found my physical and mental health. I found my spark. And I found my calling.

I had been lost without a compass and all of a sudden I had one and the needle pointed straight to homeopathy!

I began to study formally in 2007, while also working full time. Based in Britain and recognized worldwide, the program I enrolled in was a rigorous 4.5 year full-time course including 18 months of supervised practicum work with patients.

Needless to say it took a while completing my studies part time while working, but it was well worth it! Because now I get to live my dream and heed my calling – to help and heal people. To help and heal YOU. And believe me, I will treat you like the one-of-a-kind individual that you are! Because that’s what homeopathy is all about – treating the individuality of the person and the uniqueness of their experience. Taking in all of the information and weaving it together into a HOLISTIC understanding of their unique picture and their needs.

My healing hasn’t been a straight line, and yours may or may not be, but it has been a consistent upward trajectory. Let’s work together to get YOU on that upward trajectory.

Book your FREE 10-minute Clarity Call to discuss how Similia Homeopathy can help you soar.

About Homeopathy

Homeopathy is a 200-year-old system of natural medicine

It’s a highly individualized treatment, which considers you as a unique entity requiring a unique remedy.

It is based on the principle of “like cures like”, or similia similibus curantur in Latin. This principle is central, as homeopathy works on the understanding that our bodies possess an innate intelligence and healing power that can be stimulated and supported by introducing a gentle energy similar to that of the ailment. Homeopathic treatment stimulates the body to heal itself.

Homeopathic remedies are specially prepared, highly diluted substances that work without side effects and without interfering with conventional drugs or medicines. They are so gentle and safe that infants, the elderly, pregnant and breast-feeding women, and people in a weakened state can confidently and safely take them.

Homeopathy is a holistic system of medicine that takes into account the whole of the patient. Therefore, it can be used to treat almost any type of ailment or dis-ease: mental, emotional, behavioural, or physical. It is a highly effective form of medicine that is used by over 200 million people worldwide on a regular basis. Homeopathy is included alongside western medicine in the national health systems of many countries, including Switzerland, Brazil, and India, and is the second most common system of medicine in use worldwide.

Have more questions? Book a free 10-minute Clarity Call to learn more about homeopathy.

Really want to nerd out and learn more? Check out these resources:

What is homeopathy?

Frequently asked questions about homeopathy

Canadians for Homeopathy

About Bach Flower Essences

Natural healing extracts made from wild plants.

They are a gentle, subtle medicine that works vibrationally on your emotional body and subconscious to attune you to a higher, more whole and healthy frequency.

Ever heard people talking about ‘higher vibrations’, or even the phrase, Good Vibes Only? Well, meet the Bach Flower Essences… beautiful, gentle, nature-based healing essences that work by calling you up to their higher vibrations.

Flower essences are water-based extracts that contain the energy signature or blueprint of wild flower blossoms from plants, shrubs, and trees. Sounds pretty hippy-dippy so far, right? Well, this amazing healing system was discovered by a British physician and homeopath, Dr. Edward Bach, in the 1930s. Dr. Bach was a pioneer in the mind-body connection, and through his work as a physician and homeopath he realized that often disease is a physical manifestation of unhappiness, fear, and worry, and that if we can heal the emotional state, the physical body will also heal.

His own illness led him to explore the mind-body-soul connection and discover 38 flower essences to address negative states of mind. His goal was to make remedies that were safe, easy to use, and nurture our positive aspects rather than pushing down our negative ones. In the words of Dr. Bach, “They cure, not by attacking disease, but by flooding our bodies with the beautiful vibrations of our Higher Nature, in the presence of which disease melts as snow in the sunshine” (Collected Writings of Edward Bach, 1987, pg. 117). Seeing the Good Vibes Only theme here?

Flower Essences are designed to address the emotions, to have a loving conversation with the emotional level of our psyche, so to speak. They have been described as a tuning fork for our emotions. The idea is that by balancing our emotions, we achieve greater internal harmony, which in turn can relieve physical pain and dis-ease, and help us align with our soul purpose and fulfill our potential.

They also just make us FEEL GOOD!

“They feel so good, they’re like the pampering version of healing.” - Kausar Saiyed, Bach Flower Therapy Practitioner

Dr. Bach himself describes the remedies as being “like beautiful music, or any gloriously uplifting thing which gives us inspiration” (Collected Writings of Edward Bach, 1987, pg. 117).

Flower essences are vibrational in nature, with no material substance remaining, so they are non-toxic, non-addictive, and don’t cause side effects. They are safe and gentle for use by pregnant and nursing women, the elderly, children and babies, immune-compromised people, even pets and plants! As there is no material substance remaining, there are no contra-indications for using flower essences along with conventional medicine, pharmacological medications and herbal or traditional medicines. They can be a beautiful accompaniment to homeopathic treatment, psychotherapy or counselling or spiritual work, even to the healing journey of a yoga retreat or working with a life coach.

Have more questions? Book a free 10-minute Clarity Call to learn more about Bach Flower Essences.

Really want to nerd out and learn more? Check out these resources:

Dr. Bach’s story

How the Flower Essences are made

Dr. Bach’s original writings (free downloads)

More about the individual essences